VFX breakdown
I have had the absolute privilege of being able to work with my best mate for the last five or so years. His name is Lee Watson and if...

On Set Photography
A few weeks ago I wrapped on my latest short film, PADLOCK. The shoot was a great success and the film is now in post production. One...

One year ago I successfully funded my first Kickstarter film project. The film was called Stay. It's currently winging its way around the...

Come join my TRIBE
I was browsing Twitter a few days ago and I found a handle that jumped out at me. @SuttonFilmmaker. 'Wow', I thought. 'I'm a filmmaker in...

Time Management
Recently, a good friend and regular collaborator Tweeted something that got me thinking. His declaration was that he was doing the 6am...

I wanted to share my thoughts on Producers. What they do and why you should try and find them. As an Indie Filmmaker you have to wear a...

Evolution of the poster
As an indie filmmaker it often feels like you're juggling multiple roles. This is, of course, true. When you start out you don't have the...

Let's blow things up
When you're working with a minimal budget and self financing a project it can be very difficult to make something that appears to have a...

Film Festivals
On Saturday 12th March, 2016, in Omaha, Nebraska, my short film, STAY, had it's World Premiere. It's a big deal for a filmmaker to have...

Film Competitions
Recently I had two scripts through to the final of the Create 50: The Impact writing competition. It's a Chris Jones initiative that...